Reality is a projection of consciousness

What we perceive as the external world is actually woven from the threads of both our individual and collective consciousness.

Reality is a projection of consciousness
Photo by Tavin on Unsplash

Reality responds to consciousness  

What we perceive as the external world – solid, separate, and unchanging – is actually woven from the threads of both our individual consciousness and the shared awareness, or consensus, of those around us. This is because reality is not fixed until it's observed or measured.

It's your consciousness, both conscious and subconscious, working together to create what you experience. Your conscious mind actively engages with the world, processing information, while your subconscious mind influences this experience, shaping how you interpret and react to what you observe. Both aspects play a role in determining the reality you perceive.

This means your experience of life isn't random. It's actually shaped by the blueprint of beliefs, perceptions, and subconscious patterns you carry. But where do our blueprints come from?

Well, from the moment you’re conceived, your consciousness is absorbing things. In the womb, you’re already responding to the emotional and energetic states of those around you. Your earliest years are spent imprinting patterns from your environment; from the way your caregivers express love, to the unspoken rules of your society and culture, to the limits and possibilities you’re taught to believe in. These early imprints form the foundation of your subconscious mind, which then acts as the script for how you experience reality.

This matters because the moment you fully grasp that your beliefs, perceptions, and thus subconscious programming are shaping your experience, you have the power to change it.  

You as a projector  

Think of your mind as a projector. The images it plays are your thoughts, beliefs, and deep-seated assumptions, cast onto the screen of your life. If you were taught – consciously or unconsciously – that success is hard, relationships are painful, or the world is unsafe, then your mind will seek and create experiences that confirm those beliefs.  

This is where psychology and quantum mechanics intersect. Your nervous system filters reality to match your expectations, and your energy, subtle though it may be, interacts with the field of possibilities in ways science is only just beginning to understand.  

This is why people often feel stuck, frustrated, or baffled by their repeating life circumstances. They’re not battling the external world as much as they are moving through the looping architecture of their own conditioning. To change your life, you must change your mind, not just on the surface level, but at the deep, subconscious core where your earliest programming still operates.  

The mind beyond the brain  

When we speak of the mind, we’re not just referring to the brain or intellect, it’s the entire field of consciousness that shapes your reality. Your mind extends beyond your head, woven through your body, influencing the intelligence of your cells, your nervous system, and the energy field surrounding you.  

Science is slowly recognising how experiences and emotional patterns are encoded in the body and even passed down through generations as ancestral memory. Your thoughts, emotions, and unconscious beliefs aren’t isolated; they exist within a vast, interconnected system that shapes how you perceive and interact with the world.  

Understand your blueprint  

It starts with awareness. Notice what stories about yourself, others, and the world you carry. At their core, most limiting stories boil down to a few fundamental beliefs about worth, safety, and belonging. For example, 'I'm not worthy', 'I'm not safe', 'I don't belong', I'm not loved'.

The limiting stories weren’t mistakes, they were intelligent survival adaptations – a way to stay safe, connected, or accepted in a past environment. If you learned to stay small, repress your emotions, avoid risk, or seek approval, it wasn’t weakness, it was wisdom.

Even now, these patterns aren’t your enemy, they're loyal echoes of a past that once kept you protected. Expanding your consciousness isn’t about resisting or rejecting them, but alchemising them, transforming their energy with compassion and loving awareness.

If you want a new experience, it starts within.